Cooperation established in: 2013
Services rendered
- Digitizing archived documents:
- collection of Polish patent descriptions
- descriptions of protected industrial designs
- Patent Office releases
- register of utility models
- register of patents.
- Automatic document reading (OCR)
- Indexing documents
- Creating an e-archive of the digitized documents
Key facts
600,000 documents digitized within 6 months
Documents indexed in accordance with the international WIPO standard
Modern infrastructure
Digitization performed at the customer’s and at the ArchiDoc operations center
The project received the Kryształ Przetargów Publicznych (Crystal of Public Tenders) award
Business advantages
- Enhanced access to data concerning intellectual property
- Short project implementation lead time
- Documents protected against damage
- Digitized resources may be published on the website of the Patent Office
Case studies
PKP Energetyka S.A.
Over 2,500 running metres of documents taken over and recorded. Documents collected from 18 locations throughout Poland.

PKP Energetyka Centrum Usług Wspólnych Sp. z o.o.
Approximately 6 000 paper and electronic documents processed each month, approximately 120 000 metrics obtained during the month.

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